
Friday, May 4, 2012

Who Am I - Top 10

  1. I am a beloved child of God.  Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.  
  2. I am wife to my husband of nearly 11 years and proud mama to my beautiful 2-year old son.  
  3. I am a daughter, sister, and friend.  I am a youth group leader, a softball player, a roller-blader, and a bicyclist (for recreation).
  4. I am 32 years old.
  5. I am a semi-retired Christian school teacher.  I taught for 9 years before giving birth to my son and deciding to stay home full time.  
  6. My journey through infertility started nearly 5 years ago and continues today.
  7. I have gone through IVF three times.  I've had three fresh transfers and two FETs (frozen embryo transfers).  Our last cycle of IVF was just this past April, and it was a failed cycle.  We are taking a few months before deciding our next step.
  8. I have been pregnant 3 times. 
  9. I have given birth once, and besides my wedding day it was the happiest moment of my life.
  10. I love, love, love being a mother and will forever be grateful for the gift of my boy.


  1. K, I didn't realize you had been pregnant 3 times. Did I know you had gone through loss as well as your IF? I feel like I would have remembered that. I'm so sorry. :(
    I am thinking of you lots and praying so much for these next few months as you and your sweet husband try to decide where to go from here.

    1. Thank you, dear Emily. I really debated on whether or not to write that, because I didn't want to give people the wrong idea, and yet technically I have been pregnant three times.

      The very first time we tried IVF, the nurse called saying that I was pregnant (in other words, my HCG had gone up) but because the number was so low, things didn't look good. Sure enough, we found out two days later that the numbers had gone down. Doctors just considered it a "chemical pregnancy." So that was disappointing, but not traumatic. (What was more traumatic was that we have gone through such a failed cycle that first time around.)

      When we did a frozen embryo transfer last August, I had a positive pregnancy test. The numbers were going up, but not doubling. (This also happened when I was pregnant with my boy, so I was nervous but hopeful, thinking that this was just what my body "did.") After five pregnancy tests (blood tests), my numbers finally made significant ground and even surpassed where they needed to be! We thought maybe we were in the clear; but I started spotting a few days later. When we went to our 6 week ultrasound, we saw that there indeed was a pregnancy sac but no "yolk." Apparently the embryo had implanted, and my body was reacting as though I were pregnant, but unfortunately the embryo stopped developing. I miscarried shortly after that.

      Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. You are such a blessing to me!
