
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mother's Day Reflection

I enjoyed a wonderful Mother's Day weekend with my husband and my sweet boy.  We didn't do anything extravagant, but honestly my favorite thing is just being with the two of them (and it didn't hurt that the Mr. did the cooking!).

I think because of my journey with IF, though, I'll always view Mother's Day a bit differently.  Yes, I wholeheartedly celebrate the joy of being a mom and am grateful for the wonderful mom and mother-in-law God has blessed me with.  But I also remember that for many women who desperately long to become mothers or who have tragically had to say goodbye to their children, this past Sunday was a painful day for them. 

And I'm sorry.  I wish nobody had to go through that. 

I also know that it was a bittersweet day for many of my friends who have had to say goodbye to their dear mothers. 

My Prayer...
...for those who wait: may God continue to give you patience, courage, and strength for the journey.

...for those whose loved ones have gone ahead: may God bless you with good memories today and a hope of a glorious reunion in Heaven someday.

...for us all:  may we be ever-mindful of and thankful for the hope we have in Jesus Christ. 

For it is because of Him that we can hope at all.


  1. I know what you mean that Mother's Day will never be the same as it could/should have been. I think that even we get to have a baby, I will never forget the utter despair of last year when I was actively going through my 2nd miscarriage on that day. I still cried this year, and I still tried to avoid facebook b/c it's just too much. I'm thankful that I have my mom here to celebrate, b/c otherwise I would have wanted to just stay in bed all day. And I can NOT make myself go to church, where all of the moms stand up and are honored. Where does that leave me? Of course all moms SHOULD be honored, but it just stings so much to have the reminder that for so many, becoming a mom is the hardest challenge we'll ever face. There are too many of us who hurt on that day for so many different reasons, and I wish I could just hug every single one of them!

    Your prayers are beautiful and so perfect. Thank you for sharing this!

  2. Em, I wish I could give you a big hug. (Soon!!!)

    Thank you for sharing your heart. Time and again I hear from women who identify as mothers and yet have no physical evidence here on earth. It is heart-breaking.

    Please know that you continue to be in my prayers...hope and healing to you, dear friend.

  3. Happy belated Mother's Day, K! I, too, get a little sad on Mother's Day for all the hurting people out there. Miscarriage opened my eyes to the pain of those who want a baby so bad it hurts, who struggle with bitterness toward others who take having children for granted. That's how I felt. I remember driving to work and wondering about all the people in the cars around me -- I became acutely conscious that the strangers around me had their own private, invisible pains. The thought still helps me drive nicer! :)
    Love, Sid
