
Friday, May 4, 2012

Looking Back - Still Here (April 30, 2012)

I’ve been MIA from the blogosphere this past week, but the truth is that there’s nothing much to report.  Life has been crazy busy around here as April is one of the Mr.’s most jammed-packed months, work wise. The boy and I tagged along on a conference that the Mr. presented at this past weekend.  We hit up the indoor water park, which was a blast.  I’ve had my own commitments and have been flying solo a bit more often on the parenting front, but the month of May should be much more relaxed.  I don’t know if all this busy-ness is good or bad for me.  On one hand, I have appreciated the distractions…it keeps my mind off my pain and discouragement.  On the other hand, I don’t know how well we are facing the realities of this failed IVF cycle.  We have some pretty major decisions to make in the next few weeks and months, but we are trying not to rush anything.  We have an appointment with our specialist on Thursday, and then we’ll go from there, I guess.  I really don’t know what that appointment holds for us, but I think it will be good to just explore our options.

Overall, we are hanging in there.  There are moments when the sadness hits, but I am not hopeless.  Feeling thankful today that my God is a God of Hope.

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