
Friday, May 4, 2012


For awhile now I have been toying with the idea of starting a blog and have even gone as far as writing a few entries.  But up until now, they haven't made it any further than a folder on my desktop.  Well, that's all about to change.

It's difficult to put myself out there.  I haven't shared my journey through infertility with too many people, and for some reason it's a little scary to do it now, even though for the time being I've decided to keep my blog anonymous.  But I also feel that God might be calling me to share my journey with others.  I have read the blogs of several women who have shared their stories, and I know they have both been a blessing to others and have also been blessed as a result. 

I believe in God's redeeming work in my life, and if in some small way He can use my journey with infertility to bless or encourage someone else or bring glory to His name, then it will make all of this vulnerability worthwhile. 

As for the title of this blog...those who have experienced infertility know that it is a painful, discouraging, difficult road to walk.  There is a temptation to believe that God has abandoned me.  And yet, my prayer through so much of this journey has been that God will give me eyes to see the ways He is working for good despite it all.  That I would see evidence of His redemption.  That He would help me to see His blessings all around me.  That I wouldn't be so focused on my pain, grief, or disappointment that I would miss seeing all of the goodness in my life.  That I would keep my eyes fixed on Jesus.

If you are reading these words, welcome to my blog.  I hope that what you read here will encourage your heart.  It is my prayer that God will give you eyes to see His goodness too.  


  1. I'm so glad you are doing this. I know it will bless others, just like I've been blessed just through emailing with you!

  2. Thanks for your encouragement, friend! I have to tell you that our emails have been instrumental in giving me the courage to share my story. I've come to see what a blessing it is to walk this journey together. Hugs to you.
