
Tuesday, September 4, 2012


It's Back to School Day around here.  This is my third September of not returning to school myself as the teacher, and there's still always a little bit of nostalgia around this time of year.  After all, for 17 years, I went back to school as a student, and for 9 years beyond that, I went back as a teacher.  So this day holds special meaning for me.  I've always loved school...as a teacher I looked forward to the year ahead, getting to know my students, and being a part of the school community.  It was a blessed season of my life. 

I ran into the mom of a former student at the grocery store this morning.  She had just come from dropping her kids off, and she asked me the question I hear so often, "So...do you miss teaching?"

I never quite know how to answer that question.  On one hand - yes. I miss the people, especially.  I miss being a part of the lives of my colleagues and students on a daily basis.  But the stronger feeling is no, I don't miss it.  Maybe it's because I know that teaching will be there again for me someday.  But mostly I think it's because for years I dreamed of having a baby and staying at home.  So as much as I love to teach, right now - in this moment - I'm living my dream. 

And I couldn't be more happy or grateful.

The icing on the cake?  Right now God is bringing into my life some new opportunities for teaching.   Not in the same way as before, but in the form of a small group Bible study at church and the possibility of leadership in my moms' group.  I feel blessed for the opportunity to grow and use my gifts outside of my role as wife and mother. 

Someday, teaching will a part of my professional life again.  But for now, I'm content to relish each day that I get to spend teaching my sweet boy.  And just as often, I'm the student - learning and growing as a mother.  I thank God for that beautiful gift.


  1. I admit, I envy you. :) I'm so thankful you get to stay home with your little man, and also that you'll get to use your gift of teaching in other, less time-consuming ways this year. What a blessing!

    Part of me loves going back, but part of me also always wonders if this is what I'm meant to do. I mean, I LIKE it and I love the kids, but I don't have the same passion and drive to dedicate my entire life to it that many of the teachers around me seem to have. For me, it's a career. It's not my life. And I am VERY curious as to how I'll feel about it once this baby arrives! I already have a pretty good idea. :)

    Thinking of you lots, friend!

  2. Thanks, Em! I do hope that none of my readers think this is my way of rubbing in the fact that I've been blessed with a baby. Or that I get to stay home full time with him. I know that not everyone can do it (although it's not without its sacrifices for us), nor does everyone want to or feel called to do it! But for me, it's something I've always wanted, and I guess I just wanted to say how thankful I am.

    Perhaps it's because of everything I've been through to get to this point, but I don't want to take anything for granted. I know that lots of moms value being able to stay at home with their kids, but for me I think it will always be extra special, because I hoped and dreamed and prayed for it for so long. Right now I could be so hung up on the disappointments of life, but instead I want to celebrate the blessings God has given me.

    That being said, I was also incredibly blessed as a teacher. I was fortunate to be able to do something that I enjoyed and found fulfilling. Each season of life comes with it's own set of blessings, and for that I am grateful!

    1. You NEVER come off as rubbing anything in, my friend. Your attitude is instead full of gratitude and grace, and it's very refreshing. You have such a healthy view of life, and are so good at not letting your frustrations (and I know you have some) overshadow your blessings. It's a beautiful thing!
