
Friday, September 28, 2012

Here We Go Again

I had a phone consultation with my fert doc last week Thursday, and it went really well.  God continues to open doors for us on this journey.  Everything our doctor said affirmed our decision to move forward with IVF next month.  I am once again so grateful to have a doctor that I trust; he never pressures, gives wise counsel, and is a godly man and incredibly skilled fertility specialist.  We are blessed.

We are going to use the same protocol as last time - an antagonist cycle using Ga.ni.relix (for those of you that it means anything to!), but this time we are really going to push my ovaries further in order to get more mature eggs.  Where our doc would usually trigger when a few eggs grow to around 15-17 mm, he wants to push me more to the 22-24 mm range.  Multiply thar times the many eggs they hope to grow on each side, and boy am I going to be uncomfortable!  But the good news is that I am going to be put under this time around for the retrieval.  Last time was pretty traumatic for me, and so I am really relieved to not have to think about going through that again!

He is also going to be adding a growth hormone this time around, which recently has shown to improve egg maturity and embryo quality with no negative side effects.  Yay...another drug!  (Sarcasm)  But seriously, if it improves our chances then I'm all for it.

Meds have been ordered and paid for (OUCH) and will arrive next week.  Things are starting to happen!  I don't know whether to be anxious or excited or both.  The IVF process is incredibly intense emotionally, physically, financially, and yes even spiritually.  Right now I think I am feeling a little numb, but I suspect as the time gets closer, all of the emotions will kick in!

IVF is such a crazy process.  Anytime someone is blessed with a pregnancy, I know that it is God who is creating that life!  And yet, some of us need a little help with producing the right environment for that to happen.  I am thankful that God has given us the technology to receive the help we need, as well as doctors with the skills, passion, knowledge and wisdom to help us.  It is my prayer that God might use this process to bless us with another baby (or two!  Just dreaming...!).

Next week I'll give a more detailed post on the IVF process for those who are interested.  Until then, have a good weekend! 


  1. Things are happening and the process is getting started. I'm so excited for you guys at the possibility of what this will hopefully bring your way! I'm also happy to hear about the more aggressive plan this time. You can do this! One day at a time. :)

  2. Its so great to get things moving! I hope pushing your ovaries further will do the trick for some great eggs! Yeah!
