
Saturday, June 30, 2012

My Boy...

...makes me laugh.

Awhile back, whenever we'd get off our highway exit, the Mr. and I would say, "Kitty, we're coming home!"  Now - totally unprompted - whenever we hit our exit, our boy calls out "Kitty!  Kitty!!!" pretty much without fail.  Even if he seems totally engrossed in some activity, he stops whatever he is doing to call for Kitty.  It makes us chuckle every time.

The Mr. has started running in the mornings, and our boy gets to ride along in the jogging stroller.  He's taken to yelling, "Go, Daddy, go!" as they make their way along our country road.

Lately, the boy has become very preoccupied with babies...even the "babies" that are only a month or two younger than him.  :)  It started when we saw a younger boy on the play structure at the park a few weeks back.  He seemed very concerned that a "baby" (an 18 month old boy) was going to go down a very steep slide.  He took it upon himself to warn that baby, even though I assured him that the boy's mother was right there and was taking care of him.  "No-no, Baby...no 'up' (translation: slide) Baby.  Uh oh, Baby..." and so on.  And now, every time we see a baby at the pool, at the playground, in the church nursery, he feels the needs to boss the baby around.  Is he a firstborn child, or what?!?  (Being a firstborn myself, I can joke about this!)

The other day, our mother's helper arrived wearing a Nike jacket with a yellow swoosh.  The boy kept pointing to it and yelling, "Moon!  Moon!"  Ha!

In the past few weeks, any evidence of "baby" has more or less vanished, and my dear boy is looking more and more like a big boy everyday.  Perhaps it's the recent haircut.  And as much as I'm LOVING this wonderful age of discovery, part of me is sad to be passing out of those baby years.  Perhaps it's even more nostalgic because I'm not sure that I'll ever get to experience them again....but it makes me want to hold tight to every moment.

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