
Friday, June 22, 2012


Here are a few things that have brought me JOY recently:

Our friend "E":  We have a high school girl that comes to our house approximately once a week to spend time with our boy...a "mother's helper" of sorts.  She is lovely; and it's wonderful to have her in the house.  Even better?  She comes for free! 

How'd I get so lucky?  Well, this past winter her mom called me up, explaining that E needed a purposeful way to serve and be encouraged in the process, and she thought of me.  She was hoping that her daughter could come help out with my boy, and in return her parents would "pay" her for her efforts by putting money toward her band trip.  How cool is that?!?  I hope someday I am half the parents they are. 

A new friend:  While on vacay last week at my in-law's, I had the joy and privilege of meeting in person, for the first time, a friend that I have been connecting with over email the past few months.  It has been such a blessing to share in each other's lives through email, encouraging one another and committing to pray for each other.  I was amazed at how quickly we picked up, just like old friends, when we got together.  Our conversation was natural and easy, and yet because of similarities in our life stories, we could also share deeply and from the heart.  Here's hoping it's the first of many more get-togethers!   

My sister:  I have two sisters, and I adore them.  I am so happy that my youngest sister and her husband are staying with us for the next 4.5 days.  They are low-maintenance houseguests, are loads of fun, and totally love on my boy.  I'm looking forward to all the game playing that will take place in the next few days!  Plus, we already hit up Costco, courtesy of their membership, and have planned a sewing project for the weekend.  Fun!

The park:  We have a great park near our house with a lake and a splash pad.  Yesterday I met a friend and her boys there, and we had a blast together.  I love watching my boy delight in the water.  His joy gives me joy!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, and ditto 100% on the getting me to meet up comment! I meant it when I said I feel like I've always known you. :) What a blessing to meet in person, and it WILL be the first of many times, I'm certain! If only our cities were closer...

    I'm hoping that comment about a new friend was referring to me haha. If not, how embarrassing! ;)

    Sending hugs and prayers your way. I'll write more soon! So glad to have you back blogging more! And thanks for the reminder to focus on all of the JOY in our lives, when it's so easy (for me) to focus on the negative. For example, I ruined a perfectly good walk tonight by feeling bad for myself. We ran into the parents of someone I went to school with, and they asked if "we had any little ones yet".... my favorite question of all time. Ha. I said no, but hopefully we would in December. They were happy for us, of course, and then they told me their daughter was due in August. With her 2nd baby. Immediately I let myself feel hurt, jealous, sad, bitter, all of the negative feelings that come out when I hear about people my age breezing through this whole baby-making deal like it's a piece of cake. I of course acted thrilled for them, and then when we walked away I let my real feelings ooze out to my husband. The poor man deals with this "woe is me" crap all of the time, but luckily he's getting good at turning me back around and saying something positive. It's amazing to me how weak I am in the face of other women and my tendency to compare our journeys. No, I'm not on my 2nd baby. I'm on my 3rd, and maybe this time it will really be my turn to have a real, live baby. And for that, I should be happy. So, thanks to you and my husband, I will work on refocusing my energies on the positives!
    You are such a great influence on me. :)
