
Saturday, October 20, 2012


Remember in the last post when I said I never had a found during my pre-IVF ultrasound? 

Well, scratch that.

I think I jinxed myself!  I went in for my U/S on Friday, and sure enough, there is a cyst on my left ovary.  D'oh!  I'm not super freaked out...obviously this type of thing is pretty common, since they do a special ultrasound just to check for them.  And there is a good chance that once AF arrives, the cyst could be reabsorbed.  If it remains, though, it looks like we'll have to delay a month.  So we'll see what happens.

Praying that the cyst clears up on it's own in the next few days.  But if it doesn't, I'm going to trust that God's timing on all of this is better than mine. 


  1. OH no! I have been wondering how this appointment went. Does that mean you aren't doing this October cycle, or just that you are still waiting for you period to know for sure? I'm sorry, K, as I know this is all already stressful enough on its own! When do you go back to check?

    Know that I am praying lots every day for this to all work out!! Wish I could have seen you this weekend to give you a hug in person!

  2. Thanks Em! I really am doing okay with it all...just trying to trust. :) AF arrived this weekend, and so I'll probably have another U/S either Monday or Tuesday to see if the cyst reabsorbed. If it has, then we'll go forward with this cycle. If it's still there, we have to delay. Thanks for your prayers, sweet friend!
