
Saturday, July 21, 2012


I am blessed to have some of the most wonderful friends a girl could ask for.

Yesterday three amazing ladies came to my house - bearing yummy food - with the goal of celebrating my birthday.

The four of us have shared a lot of life together over the past 11 years, celebrating each other's joys and victories as well as sharing in each other's pain, disappointments, and sorrows.

We have lifted one another up in prayer.

I can honestly say that these godly, wise, compassionate, faithful women have been some of the most influential people in my adult life.

We talked and laughed over salad, fruit, and Boston cream pie.

They loved on my boy.

They asked me how I am doing and patiently listened as I shared my thoughts, feelings, hopes, joys, struggles, and fears.

They offered encouragement, wise counsel, and promises of continued prayer.

I'm beyond grateful for the sisterhood I share with these dear women.  God uses them regularly to encourage my heart and point me back to Him.

Today I'm feeling refreshed, renewed, and reminded of God's love.

I am blessed.      


  1. Friends are such a blessing. I'm happy you were celebrated, and that it left your soul feeling refreshed! You deserve it, as you are such a blessing to so many others (including me!). Wish I could spend some time with you more easily too! :)

  2. Thank you for your encouraging story on my blog today. It is refreshing to here others success stories with slower betas. Thank you!

    1. Thanks, K! I'm so glad that it encouraged you. I've been slowly catching myself up on your blog, and while our stories are different, we do have some similarities. I had a uterine resection to remove a septum as well. You and I both have our miracle babies...and thanks to uterine surgery I also had a planned c-section. I just read that Nora was 7 lb. 8 oz at birth, and so was my boy! We are now struggling for child #2 and praying like crazy that it is in our future. I never realized just how looooong this journey would be for us. I guess I was sort of hoping that once we hit the jackpot with IVF, that would be our "key" for future babies. It is still our only option for another biological baby, but as you know there are no guarantees. I don't wish this on anyone else, but I'm glad that if we have to do this, we're in it together. Congratulations, by the way, on your recent good news! I'm so hoping this is it for you guys!
