
Saturday, July 21, 2012


I am blessed to have some of the most wonderful friends a girl could ask for.

Yesterday three amazing ladies came to my house - bearing yummy food - with the goal of celebrating my birthday.

The four of us have shared a lot of life together over the past 11 years, celebrating each other's joys and victories as well as sharing in each other's pain, disappointments, and sorrows.

We have lifted one another up in prayer.

I can honestly say that these godly, wise, compassionate, faithful women have been some of the most influential people in my adult life.

We talked and laughed over salad, fruit, and Boston cream pie.

They loved on my boy.

They asked me how I am doing and patiently listened as I shared my thoughts, feelings, hopes, joys, struggles, and fears.

They offered encouragement, wise counsel, and promises of continued prayer.

I'm beyond grateful for the sisterhood I share with these dear women.  God uses them regularly to encourage my heart and point me back to Him.

Today I'm feeling refreshed, renewed, and reminded of God's love.

I am blessed.      

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Life Is Good

We had a lovely time visiting family last week.  I live in the Midwest, where we had CRAZY temps over 100 degrees last week, so I'm thankful that we were near water and the beach (and that my parents have A/C!). 

The Boy LOVED the water and took to throwing his hands up in the air, spinning around, and then flinging himself into the water.  Kept this mama on her toes!

We're having dear friends stay with us Thursday through Saturday of this week.  They moved away last year but are back in the state (yay!) and are coming for a visit.  They have been there for us through thick and thin.  I looking forward to a fun few days of catching up, loving on their little one, and, of course, playing games!

On Wednesday the Mr. and I are heading out on a date night, just the two of us.  A couple from our small group at church have been wanting to find a tangible way to support us during our time of waiting, and so they've offered to babysit the Boy for us.  We are blessed by their kindness.  We're using it as an excuse to celebrate my birthday, since I'll be out on the softball field on the actual day later this week.  :)

Wishing you all a joy-filled week!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Heading Out

This has been a summer of travel for us so far!  Tomorrow the boy and I are once gettin' outta Dodge.  (Where did that phrase even come from?)  First we'll go to my parent's trailer to camp with them for a few days.  Then we'll head back to my parent's house where we'll meet up with the Mr. later this week for a long weekend with my family.  Yay!  Time with my family gives me JOY!

And to think at the beginning of June I was worried about what we were going to do with ourselves all summer!  :)